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Recipe by: syrah
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
3 tb Butter OR 4 c Freshly made pumpkin OR
3 tb Mild vegetable oil (corn) 4 c Fresh butternut puree OR
1 Large onion, chopped 4 c Canned pumpkin puree
3 c Chicken stock (3-4 cups) Salt to taste
28 oz Can Whole tomatoes w/ juices Red Pepper Puree garnish OPT
1 tb Maple syrup or honey
1. In a 10-inch skillet, melt the butter or heat oil over medium-low
heat. Add the onion and saute slowly, stirring often, until limp but
not brown, 6-7 minutes. Stir in 3 cups stock and let simmer,
partially covered, about 15 minutes.
2. Pour the tomatoes with their juice into a food processor. Add the
maple syrup or honey, and puree. Add the pumpkin, and buzz again.
Strain the stock, and add the strained-out onions to the processor.
Buzz again, and, if an extra smooth soup is desired, put through a
power strainer. 3. Add the tomato-pumpkin puree to the stock.
Season with the salt. Reheat, and serve very hot, garnished with red
pepper puree if desired. Serves 8-10 as a first course.
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