"Discover how to cook this pasta recipe. Pasta recipe for free. Delicious healthy recipe. Pasta recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick pasta recipe!"
Recipe by: buhise
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
4 c Assorted vegetables 2 md Onions; roughly diced
- cooked or uncooked, 6 tb Flour
- fresh or frozen, 1 c Milk
- Such as: Artichoke hearts, 1 Egg
- Asparagus, Eggplant, 1/2 ts Salt; or as desired
- Mushrooms, Broccoli 1/2 ts Ground white pepper
- or Cauliflower 1 ts Fresh rosemary leaves; -OR-
2 c Cooked spinach; chopped 1/2 ts -Dried rosemary
2 tb Olive oil
Servings: 1
DEFROST VEGETABLES, if necessary. Roughly chop them into 1/4-inch pieces
and set aside on a plate. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat,
add the onion and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes. Decrease heat to low and
add the vegetables. If using uncooked ones, cover and cook for 10 minutes.
If using cooked ones, cook uncovered for 5 minutes. Stir in the flour and
add the milk. Cook, stirring, another 2 minutes or until mixture thickens.
Add the salt and pepper. Remove the skillet from the heat, add the egg,
salt, pepper and rosemary and scrape the mixture into a bowl to cool.
Stuffing can be stored, covered, in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. To
freeze, place 1-cup amounts of stuffing in airtight freezer bags or
containers, label and place in freezer for up to 3 months.
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