"Discover how to cook this appetizers recipe free. Learn how to cook a delicious healthy recipe. Appetizers recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick appetizers recipe!"
Recipe by: briegou
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
16 oz Refried beans 10 oz Shredded Cheddar cheese
1 1/4 oz Package taco seasoning mix Large, ripe avocado, mashed
4 oz Chopped green chilies 2 Chopped tomatoes
2 1/3 oz Chopped black olives 2 pk Taco chips
Small onion, chopped
Mix refried beans with taco seasoning mix. Spread on large plate [pie
plate works well - P.L.], then layer remaining ingredients. Serve with
taco chips. This can be served cold or heated through to melt cheese.
Either way, don't count on any leftovers.
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