Deluxe vegetable beef soup

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Recipe by: asdrig

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3 lb Beef; boiling 4 ea Celery; stalks - chopped
6 qt Water; cold 1 cn Tomatoes
2 tb Salt Or
2 ea Carrots 2 tb Tomato paste
3 ea Onions 1 cn Peas
1/2 ea Cabbage; head 1 c Potatoes; diced

Cook beef in water and salt 1 1/2 hours. Then add carrots, onions, cabbage,
celery. One-half hour later add tomatoes, peas, potatoes and 2 T. rice
soaked in cold water 1 hour. Cook until rice is done. Add a dash of pepper
and serve.

Source: Mrs. T. E. Brady, Atwood Grange, Carroll County, OH

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