German-style mustard

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Recipe by: robyne

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1/4 c Yellow mustard seed 1 ts Salt
2 tb Black or brown mustard seed, 2 Garlic gloves, minced or
-heaping -pressed
1/4 c Dry mustard 1/2 ts Ground cinnamon
1/2 c Water 1/4 ts Ground allspice
1 1/2 c Cider vinegar 1/4 ts Dried tarragon leaves
1 sm Onion chopped 1/8 ts Turmeric
2 tb Firmly packed brown sugar

Adapted from Gift Ideas from the Kitchen

In a small bowl, combine mustard seed and dry mustard. In a 1- to
2-quart non-aluminim pan, combine remaining ingredients. Simmer
uncovered, on medium heat until reduced by half, 10-15 minutes. Pour
the mixture into the mustard mixture. Let mixture soak at room
temperature 24 to 48 hours,adding additional vinegar if neccesary in
order to maintain enough liquid to cover seeds.

Process the seeds and mixture in a blender or food processor until
pureed to the texture you like --this can take at least 3 or 4
minutes. Some prefer whole seeds remaining, others a smooth paste.
The mixture will thicken considerably upon standing. If it gets too
thick after a few days,stir in additional vinegar.

Scrape mustard into clean, dry jars; cover tightly and age at least 3

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