Lu's beef (or chicken) broccoli

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Recipe by: tist

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 lb Beef or chicken, thin slice
1 bn Broccoli*
Lu's special chicken sauce
1 bn Green onions, sliced
Black pepper
White pepper
Cornstarch in water
1/2 lb Mushrooms, sliced

Marinate meat in Lu's Special Sauce.

*Cut broccoli Florettes into fairly small sections (bite size). Cut
off tough outer portion of broccoli stems and slice thinly.

Heat wok with a little oil in it. Add garlic and ginger and
stir-fry. Add meat in marinade,green onions, and stems.

Cook until meat is almost done. Add broccoli florettes, mushrooms,
cornstarch and a little wine (or beer). Cook until broccoli is done.

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