Lulas ? sevilhana

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Recipe by: marie-liliane

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

8 Medium-sized squid
1 tb Lemon Juice
Salt Pepper

-----------------------FOR THE BATTER----------------------------
7 oz Plain Flour
1 Egg yolk
1/2 pt Water
Pinch of salt
1 Egg white

---------------------------TO FRY--------------------------------
Vegetable oil

-------------------------TO GARNISH------------------------------
Lemon wedges
Small bunch of parsley

Clean the squids inside and out, discarding the 'bone' and keeping
only the bag-like bodies. Pat dry and cut in rings of about 1/2".
Season with sal, pepper, and lemon juice. Make a batter with the
water, flour, the yolk and the salt. Set aside for 30 minutes. Beat
the egg white till firm and fold into the batter. Sprinkle the squid
rings with plain flour, and dip in the batter so as to cover them
completely. Deep-fry in very hot oil (max.3 minutes, unless you
happen to enjoy rubber bands). Serve with the lemon edges and parsley
twigs. ----- As you see there is no mention of cheese, romano or
otherwise, but I can vouch that the resulting rings are quite crispy,
dry and oil-free, provided that the oil is .very. hot (fry only a few
rings at a time). I guess you can always add the cheese... ---

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