Moravian christmas cookies

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Recipe by: lucien

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 c Shortening 2 1/4 c Brown sugar
1 qt Molasses 8 c Flour
1 tb Cloves 1 tb Cinnamon
1 ts Ginger 1/2 ts Baking soda
1 x *dissolved in: 1 ts Vinegar

Use a mixture of butter and lard for the shortening. Sift the flour and
spices together. Add sugar and mix well. Work in the shortening with the
finger tips or with a pastry blender. Add baking soda and molasses and mix
thoroughly. Chill. Roll very thin on floured board and cut with fancy
cookie cutters. Bake at 350-F about 10 minutes.

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