"Discover how to cook this chili recipe free. Learn how to cook a delicious healthy recipe. Chili recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick chili recipe!"
Recipe by: cathelyne
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See below ingredients and instructions
2 c beef suet
4 lb beef,Coarsely Ground
3 cloves garlic,crushed
1 1/2 T paprika
3 t gebhardts chile powder
1 t cumin seeds
1 t salt
1 t white pepper,ground
1 1/2 t sweet red chile pods,Dried
1 ground
3 c water
8 oz beef broth,Canned
4 oz tomato paste,Canned
1 masa harina
Melt the suet in a large, heavy skillet or kettle. Add the ground
beef, chopped garlic and seasonings. Cover. Cook over very low heat,
stirring occasionally, for 4 hours. Add the water, broth and tomato
paste. Continue cooking until the stew thickens slightly (about 1
hour). Add masa harina as needed to thicken the chili as desired.
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