Princess chicken - szechuan

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Recipe by: genorine

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 lb Chicken thighs; or 1 lb 3 tb Cornstarch
Breasts; skinned 1 tb Soy sauce
And boned 10 Dried hot peppers; (1 inch)

----------------------SEASONING SAUCE---------------------------
1 tb Dry sherry 1 ts Sesame oil
2 tb Soy sauce 1 c Vegetable oil
1 tb Sugar 1 ts Szechuan peppercorns
1 ts Salt 1 ts Ginger; minced
1 ts Cornstarch 1/2 c Unsalted roasted peanuts; ch

Lightly pound chicken with the broad side of a cleaver; cut into 1
inch pieces; combine cornstarch and soy sauce in medium bowl; add
chicken; mix well. Let stand 30 minutes. Cut stems from dried peppers.

Combine ingredients for seasoning sauce in a small bowl and mix
well. Set aside.

Heat oil in wok over high heat 1 minute; stir-fry chicken pieces
about 2 minutes until very lightly browned; remove chicken with a
slotted spoon, draining well over wok; set aside.

Remove oil from wok, except 2 tbsp; heat oil over medium heat;
stir-fry peppers and peppercorns until peppers turn dark brown; add
ginger and cooked chicken; stir-fry 1 minute; add seasoning sauce;
stir well and cook until sauce thickens slightly; remove wok from
heat and stir in peanuts. Serve hot. Yield: 6 to 8 servings. Chuck
in Pok Thursday 10:18 am 11/25 C.OZBURN on GEnie Formatted by Elaine
Radis BGMB90B; December, 1993 Posted on Prodigy; November, 1993

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