Roast breast of veal w/ spinach, mushroom, rice stuffin

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3 tb Butter 1/4 ts Black Pepper -- freshly
3/4 c Onion -- minced -ground
1/2 c Arborio Rice 1 6-Lb Veal Breast, Bone-In
1 c Chicken Stock -cut with a pocket
1 lb Fresh Spinach -- stem, wash 2 tb Olive Oil
saute 1 Carrot -- scrub, coarsely
1/2 lb White Mushrooms, Clean -chop
-Trim Stems -- thinly sliced 1 Celery Rib -- wash, coarsely
1 1/2 c Carrots -- scrub and shred -chop
1 lb Ground Veal 1 Whole Garlic -- quartered
1/4 c Parmigiano-Reggiano -- 1 sm Onion -- peeled and sliced
-grated 2 qt Veal Stock
1 ts Kosher Salt 1 1/2 c White Wine

1. In a 3-qt saucepan, melt 1 1/2 Tbs of the butter over med heat.
Add the minced onions and cook until translucent, about 10 mins. Toss
in the rice and stir to coat the grains well. Add the chicken stock,
bring to a boil, and simmer, covered until the rice is very tender,
about 18 mins. While the rice is still warm, transfer to a food
processor and puree until completely smooth. Set aside to cool.

2. Drain the cooked spinach well, coarsely chop, and reserve.

3. Heat the remaining butter in a large skillet over high heat. Saute
the mushrooms and shredded carrots until tender, about 5 mins. Set
aside in a colander to drain and cool.

4. In a large bowl (or in an electric mixer fitted with a paddle),
combine the pureed rice, spinach, mushrooms, carrots, ground veal,
and Parmigiano and mix thoroughly. Season with 3/4 tsp of the salt
and 1/8 tsp of the pepper.

5. Fill the pocket in the veal breast with the stuffing. Close off
the open end with 2 trussing needles, 1 inserted horizontally thru'
the top flap of the opening, the other, parallel, thru' the bottom
flap. Lace the 2 needles with kitchen thread, and tie the ends
together to close the opening.

6. Preheat the oven to 450 F.

7. Place half the olive oil with the chopped carrots, celery, garlic,
and onions in alarge roasting pan. Brush the stuffed veal breast with
the remaining oil and season with 1/4 tsp salt and 1/8 tsp pepper.
Place the breast of veal, bone side down, atop the vegetables and
roast until browned, about 45 mins.

8. Bring the veal stock and the wine to a boil in the saucepan. Turn
the oven down to 350 F and add the wine and stock to the roasting
pan. Cover the breast of veal with foil and continue cooking for 3

9. Uncover the veal and cook an additional 45 mins, thoroughly basting
every 10 mins.

10. Carefully remove the breast from the pan and allow to rest on a
cutting board for 20 to 30 mins before carving. Strain the braising
liquids and reduce by half in the saucepan. Season with additional
salt and pepper to taste, if necessary. Reserve and keep warm.

11. To serve, remove the truss needles and string and turn the breast
bone side up. Using your hands, gently pry the rib bones free from
the meat and discard. Turn the breast over again and, using a heavy
knife, cut into 1-inch-thick slices. Transfer the slices to a warm
serving platter and serve with the reduced cooking juices.

Serves 6 to 8.

Recipe By : The Union Square Cafe Cookbook - ISBN 0-06-017013-1

From: Dan Klepach Date: 08-23-95 (22:44) (159)
Fido: Cooking

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