Sausage empanadas

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Recipe by: luciette

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Makes 16 appetizers 1 c Chunky picante sauce
Crust 1/4 c Chopped ripe olives
2 c All-purpose flour 1/4 c Raisins (optional)
1/4 t Salt 1 ea Egg, hard-cooked, peeled,
2/3 c Butter -chopped
4 ea To 6 tablespoons cold water 1/2 t Garlic powder
Filling 1 ea Egg, slightly beaten
1/2 lb Ground sausage Additional picante sauce

Heat oven to 425. For crust, in large bowl combine flour and salt.
Cut in butter until crumbly; with fork mix in just enough water to
form a ball. Divide dough in half. Wrap in plastic wrap; set aside.
For filling, in 10-inch skillet cook sausage over medium heat,
stirring occasionnally, until crumbly and browned, 6 to 8 minutes.
Drain fat. Add 1 cup picante sauce. Continue cooking, stirring
occasionally, until sauce thickens slightly, 5 to 6 minutes. Add
olives, raisins, hard-cooked egg and garlic powder. Continue cooking,
stirring occasionally, until well mixed, 1 to 2 minutes. Set aside.
On lightly floured surface, shape each half of dough into 15-inch
log. Roll each log into 20X5-inch rectangle. Cut each rectangle into
8(5X2 1/2-inch) rectangles. On one side of each rectangle place about
1 tablespoon of filling mixture. Brush edges of dough with water.
Fold opposite side of dough over filling mixture; pinch edges
together. With fork press to seal edges. Brush with beaten egg. Cut
"X" in top of each empanada. Place empanadas on ungreased cookie
sheets. Bake for 14 to 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Serve
with additional picante sauce.

Submitted By LINE LAJEUNESSE On 10-27-94

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