Sausage apple skillet dinner

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

----------------------FROM LOIS FLACK---------------------------

----------------CYBEREALM BBS (315)786-1120---------------------
* * * * * *
1 pk Hash brown potatoes w/onions
Butter or Margarine
2 pk 8 oz ea- Brown 'n serve -
- Sausages
1 cn (1 pound) Sliced Apples
2 tb Sugar
1/4 ts Ground Cinnamon
1/4 ts Salt
1/4 ts Sage leaf, crumbled

1. Prepare potatoes with water, salt, and butter, following label
directions, in a medium sized fry pan.

2. Heat sausages, following label directions, until golden-brown, in
a large fry pan - move to one side of pan. Add sliced apples;
sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, salt and sage; heat 5 minutes or
until tender and hot.

3. To serve, arrange potatoes, sausages and apples slices on a
heated platter.

From the "I'm no gourmet" -kitchen of Lois Flack, CYBEREALM BBS,
Watertown, NY.

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