- bobby flay recipe apple pancakes

"Bobby Flay recipe - Discover how to cook the celebrity chef recipe. Delicious chef recipe explained by Bobby Flay. Healthy chef recipe. Easy, quick and recipe free!"
Recipe by: bobby-flay

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

2/3 c Flour-unbleached,unsifted

2 ts Sugar

1/4 ts Salt

4 Eggs beaten (lge eggs)

1/2 c Milk

2 c Apple slices

3/4 c Butter/margarine

2 tb Sugar

1/4 ts Cinnam

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Sift together the flour, 2 tsp sugar and the salt.

Beat eggs amp; milk together. Gradually add flour mixtu, beat until smooth. Saute apples in 1/4 cup of butter until tender. Mix 2 Tbsp sugar and the cinnamon together. Toss with apples. Melt 2 Tbsp butter in a 6 inch diameter deep fry pan. Pour in the batter to a depth of a about 1/4 inch. when set place 1/4 of the apples on top, cover with more batter. Fry pancake until lightly brown on both sides. Keep warm and repeat procedure until all batter and apples are used up.

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