Austrian cheesecake

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Recipe by: evode

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:


2 c Cottage or Farmer Cheese 1 ts Vanilla Extract
1/2 c Sugar; Granulated 3/4 c Unbleached Flour; Sifted
5 Eggs; Large, Separated 1/4 c Confectioners' Sugar
1/2 c Milk 3 tb Golden Raisins;FinelyChopped
1/2 ts Lemon Rind; Grated

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Press the cheese through a sieve.
In a large mixing bowl, beat together the cheese and sugar until
light. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each
addition, then add the milk, lemon rind, and vanilla. Stir in the
flour and blend until smooth. In another large mixing bowl, beat the
egg whites until they form soft peaks, then gradually add the
confectioners' sugar beating until they form stiff peaks. Fold the
whites into the cheese mixture. Gently stir in the raisin bits, then
pour the mixture into the prepared crust. Bake for 55 minutes or
until the center appears firm. Let the cake cool in the oven for 15
minutes, then allow to cool to room temperature.

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