Avocado gazpacho soup

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Recipe by: kensho

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 lg Cucumbers
3 c Chicken broth
1 ts Tabasco (or more to taste)
1/4 c Firmly packed cilantro
Juice of one medium lime
2 Ripe avocados
1/2 ts Salt - or to taste
6 Or 8 green onions including
-green tops
garlic croutons
cilantro sprigs

Cut one cucumber into chunks and process with 2 cups of the broth,
cilantro, lime juice, salt and Tabasco. Pit, peel and chop avocados.
Process with pureed mixture and add the third cup of broth. Process
briefly to coarsely puree the avocado, leaving some chunks. Chill at
least 2 hours. Just before serving, dice the green onions, and peel,
seed and chop the second cucumber. Pour soup into bowls and garnish
each with a few croutons and fresh cilantro sprigs. Offer the minced
onion and diced cucumber on the side to add individually.

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