Best double cheese hamburger casserole

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Recipe by: almamy

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

4 oz Noodles; Uncooked, Abt 2 C
1 lb Lean Ground Beef
1/3 c Onion; Chopped
1/4 c Celery Chopped
8 oz Tomato Sauce; 1 Cn
1 ts Salt
3 oz Cream Cheese; Softened, 1 Pk
1/2 c Cottage Cheese; Creamed
1/4 c Dairy Sour Cream
1 ea Tomato; Md., Optional

Cook the noodles as directed on the package and then drain. While the
noodles are cooking, cook and stir the meat, the onion and the celery
in a large skillet until the meat is brown. Drain off the excess fat.
Stir in the noodles tomato sauce, salt, cream cheese, cottage cheese
and the sour cream. TO COOK IN A SKILLET: Heat the mixture to
boiling, then reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes,
stirring frequently. Remove from the heat. Cut the tomato into thin
slices and arrange on the meat mixture. Cover and let sit for about 5
minutes or until the tomato slices are warmed. TO COOK IN THE OVEN:
Turn the mixture into an ungreased 1 1/2-quart casserole. Cut the
tomato into thin slices and arrange on the meat mixture. Cover and
bake in a 350 degree F. oven until hot, about 30 minutes. Serve

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