"Ideas for dinner - Discover how to cook this recipe free. Ideas for dinner to cook a healthy recipe. Delicious idea for dinner. Cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and free recipe!"
Recipe by: moua
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
3 Eggs
1 c Milk
2 tb Melted butter
1 c All purpose flour
1/4 c Cornmeal
1/2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Ground pepper
3 tb Chipotle chili paste
1 tb Toasted and ground cumin
Preheated oven 425 degrees. Combine the eggs, milk and butter, beat
until smooth. Combine the flour, cornmeal, seasonings, chili and
cumin and stir to combine well. Pour the liquid ingredients in and
quickly stir to combine and eliminate all lumps. Pour the batter
into the muffin tins filling 3 quarters full. Place the popovers into
the oven and bake for 35 minutes.
Yield: 6 to 8 popovers
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