Chocolate truffle raspberry cheesecake

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3 oz NUTS, toasted -liqueur.
9 oz CHOCOLATE WAFER COOKIES, Pour into pan and bake at
-crushed -375-degrees for 45 minutes.
1/3 c SUGAR -(Put
6 tb BUTTER, melted Pan of water on bottom rack
Mix and pat into bottom and -while baking and
-sides of 10" springform -preheating.)
-pan. Cake is done when edges are
Set aside. -lightly brown and firm and
CAKE -cake
40 oz CREAM CHEESE, unwrapped and Is still soft in middle.
-softened in -Loosen edges from pan and
Microwave 2 minutes on high -let cool
1 c SUGAR 2 Hours or so.
5 JUMBO EGGS, shelled and Spread raspberry preserves
-warmed in microwave 25 -on top of cake. Make
Seconds -ganache and
1/2 c CHAMBORD LIQUEUR Put in pastry bag. Pipe
1 c RASPBERRY PRESERVES, -ganache around edges of bag
-strained so there -using
Are no seeds or fruit pieces Large star tip. Dot top of
1 c FRESH RASPBERRIES, optional -cake with fresh
1/4 c CORNSTARCH -raspberries.
Beat cheese until light and 2 tb SUGAR
-fluffy. Add sugar and beat 4 tb BUTTER (unsalted)
Again. Add eggs one at a 1 c GOURMET HEAVY WHIP WHIPPING
-time,beating ater each. -CREAM
Cream, cornstarch and 3 ts CHAMBORD LIQUEUR


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