Debbie's bacon dogs

"Discover how to cook this meat recipe. Recipe free. Delicious healthy recipe. Meat recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick meat recipe for free!"
Recipe by: bilali

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

4 Hot dogs Diced onion
4 sl (somewhat thick) Cheddar Oil for frying
-cheese Wooden toothpicks
8 sl Bacon

Slice each hot dog lengthwise, part way through, being careful not to
slice all the way through. Stuff with cheese and onion. Wrap
securely and completely with 2 slices bacon and secure with
toothpicks, as needed.

Deep fry at 375 degrees until bacon is crispy brown; drain. Remove
toothpicks and serve plain or on hot dog buns.

You can use other types of meat such as hot links.

From: Debbie Carlson
Posted by: Debbie Carlson (PHHW01A) - Prodigy

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