Deluxe drunken spareribs

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Recipe by: marlotte

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

4 lb Spareribs
1/4 c Bourbon
1/4 c Soy sauce
1/4 c Brown sugar
1 tb Dijon mustard

Place ribs on rack in roasting pan. Mix remaining ingredients and
spread thickly over both sides of ribs. Roast in 350øF oven until
brown and crisp (1-1/4--1-1/2 hours), turning once and basting
frequently with sauce. Serves 4.

Source: "Cooking With Style," by Charlotte Adams, Doubleday
Company, Inc., 1967.

Bon appetite! From: LYN RUST Date: 01-02-93 (05:55)

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