Deluxe queen ida's roux

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Recipe by: myguËl

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 1/2 c Oil
2 c Flour

Here's a little something for when you get tired of all that
disgusting smoked salmon... Had a real treat in the food section
from the SF Chron last Wednesday. There was a big article on Queen
Ida along with her recipe for gumbo. She has a cookbook out++how
that escaped me I have no idea. It's called "Cookin' With Queen Ida".

Once roux has started to color, never leave the stove: ignore
telephones, doorbells, children and the pets, and keep stirring. If a
roux burns (it will develop a burned smell and blackened patches),
throw it out and start over. Roux can't be rushed, it's a gradual
process and needs patience. When cooked too rapidly, roux may brown
but it won't develop its characteristic flavor. When roux is done, it
will smell like well-cooked flour; it may taste and smell slightly
bitter when sampled 'as is', but this doesn't mean it is burned.

Mix oil and flour in a heavy cast-iron skillet. Do NOT use a
nonstick-coated pan. If mixture is not as soft as pancake batter,
add more oil.

Cook over low to medium heat, stirring gently but constantly with a
wooden spoon, scraping roux from bottom and sides of skillet. If any
lumps develop, whisk with a wire whisk until they break up. Cook
until the color is almost a mahogany or chile powder red-brown. This
will take from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your pan and heat of
your stove. Be patient.

After the roux is done, remove from heat to cool, but keep stirring
constantly for the first few minutes. Then stir frequently for 10
minutes longer, since roux will continue to cook from its own heat
for a few minutes. As the roux cools, some of the oil will float to
the top. Spoon it off.

Turn roux into a container, and store in the refrigerator. Before
using, skim off any oil that has separated out, and let roux come to
room temperature.

NOTE: If you do a lot of Creole cooking, you can double or triple the
recipe. It will take longer to cook, of course.

Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; August 27 1992.

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