Deluxe savory wild rice stuffed onions

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Recipe by: berlis

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

6 lg Vidalia Onions or 8 med
-yellow onions.
1 c Mushrooms, chopped
3 Cloves garlic, minced
1 Apple, peeled, cored,
-chopped (about 1 cup)
2 tb Fresh parsley, minced
2 tb Fresh marjoram, minced (used
1 ts Dried)
1 ts Lemon juice
1/4 ts Paprika
-Salt pepper to taste
1 c Wild rice, cooked
1 x Vegetable stock

1. Preheat oven to 400F

2. Cut 1/4 unch off both ends of the onion and peel off dry layers.
Bake onions, root end down in baking dish for 30 minutes, or until
golden brown. Let cool and hollow out each onion from top, leaving
1/2 inch shell (outer most 2-4 layers).

3. Chop 1 cup of reserved onion and saute with mushrooms in a medium
hot pan for 3 minutes. Add garlic and apple and saute 3 minutes. Add
parsley, marjoram, lemon juice, paprika, salt and pepper; combine the
sauteed mixture with the cooked rice.

4. Fill each onion shell with rice mixture. Pour enough stock to cover
bottom of onions (about 1/2 inch). Bake for 20 minutes, basting the
stuffed onions with stock occasionally.

Makes 6-8 servings depending on which onions you use.

My suggestion on this is that the onions took A LOT longer to cook
than 30 minutes. If you want to fix this for a dinner, I recommend
that you bake the onions the night before, and then finish up the
next evening with the filling. The onions will also be cool then,
instead of working with hot onions that just came out of the oven.

From: jmmille2 (Joann M. Miller). Fatfree Digest [Volume 8 Issue 48]
June 9, 1994. Formatted by Sue Smith, S.Smith34,
using MMCONV

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