"Ideas for dinner - Discover how to cook this recipe free. Ideas for dinner to cook a healthy recipe. Delicious idea for dinner. Cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and free recipe!"
Recipe by: regula
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
Dry Mustard Powder
Mustard loses potency if heated therefore the traditional recipe
calls for COLD water. Mix mustard powder and cold water in
proportions to make a smooth paste but only enough for current use.
Let stand for at least 10 minutes before serving to allow the enzymes
to develop. Serve: with beef, ham, cheese and sausages.
Celebrity chef. Italian cuisine chef who owns 13 restaurants. Earnings: $3 million
Award-winning television personality. The queen of fried foods and Southern cooking. Earnings: $9 million
Top chef of the "California Cuisine" all over U.S. Earnings: $16 million
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