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Recipe by: modibo
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
2 tb Vegetable oil 1/2 ts Cumin
1 lb Boneless turkey breasts, 1/2 ts Ginger
Sliced 1/2 ts Ground tumeric
1/4 c Chicken broth 1/2 ts White pepper
2 tb Onion, chopped 1/2 ts Parsley
3/4 c Sour cream 1/2 ts Ground coriander
2 tb Curry powder 2 c Peppery rice
1 ts Cayenne pepper
Heat oil in a medium skillet. Add turkey slices and brown on both sides,
about 10 minutes. Drain fat from skillet and add chicken broth and onion.
Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, or until turkey is fully
cooked. Remove turkey from skillet. Add remaining ingredients, except rice.
Mix well and heat thoroughly. Place turkey over rice and pour sauce over
turkey. Serves 4.
Source: More Cajun Cooking, Modern Publishing, New York, NY Copyright 1990
SHARED BY: Jim Bodle 2/93
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