Deluxe veal in cream sauce

"Discover how to cook this veal recipe. Veal recipe for free. Learn how to cook a healthy recipe. Delicious chef recipe explained step by step. Veal recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick veal recipe!"
Recipe by: mukando

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

4 slices leg or fillet veal
2 Tbsp flour
4 shakes pepper
2 tsp oil
2 tsp butter
1/3 stock or other liquid
4 Tbsp cream
4 stuffed olives, sliced

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Using a meat mallet, beat slices of meat until very thin. Dip in flour and pepper. heat butter and oil, fry veal 2 minutes on each side. Life onto warm serving plate, keep hot. Add stock to pan, bring to boil and simmer until slightly reduced. Stir in cream, mix, simmer to thicken and pour over veal. Garnish with stuffed olives and serve.

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