Deluxe vegetable hummus sandwiches

"Discover how to cook this vegetarian recipe. Vegetarian recipe for free. Delicious healthy recipe. Vegetarian recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick vegetarian recipe!"
Recipe by: micaela

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1/2 c Finely Chopped Green
1/2 c Finely Chopped Green
3 tb Chopped Fresh Parsley
1 tb Sesame Seeds
1 tb Low Cal. Mayonnaise
1/2 ts Oregano
1/2 ts Garlic Powder
1/8 tb Red Pepper
1/2 ts Mint Flakes
1 cn (15 Oz.) Garbanzo Beans
(Rinsed Drained)
4 (6 Inch) Whole Wheat Pita
Bread Cut in Half Crosswise
1/2 c (2 Oz.) Monterey Jack
1 md Tomato, Cut Into 8
(1/4 Inch) Slices
2 c Alfalfa Sprouts

Combine Green Onions, Green Pepper, Parsley, Sesame Seeds,
Mayonnaise, Oregano, Garlic Powder, Red Pepper Mint Flakes in A 1-
Quart Casserole. Cover With Plastic Wrap Vent. Microwave At Highfor
3 Min. Place This Mixture Garbanzo Beans in Processor. Process 1
Min. OR Until Smooth. Spoon About 1/4 Bean Mixture (Hummus) Into Each
Pita Half; Top With 1 T. Cheese. Cover With Paper Towels Microwave
At High For 1 Min. Cut Tomato Slices in Half. Open Sandwiches
Place 2 Tomato Slice Halves 1/4 C. Alfalfa Sprouts Into Each
Sandwich Half. Serve Immediately.
(Fat 4.9. Chol. 6)

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