Jamaican coffee soda

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Recipe by: junien

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1/4 c Coffee-flavor liqueur 10 oz Club soda; chilled
1 T Instant coffee powder 1 pt Vanilla ice cream
2 ts Sugar -slightly softened

Into each of 2 tall 14-ounce glasses, measure 2 T coffee-flavor
liqueur, 1 1/2 teaspoons instant coffee powder, and 1 teaspoon sugar.
Stir mixture until coffee dissolves. Pour about 1/4 cup club soda
into each glass and stir with coffee mixture. Spoon ice cream into
glasses. Slowly pour remaining club soda over ice cream. Serve with
iced-tea spoons and straws.

Source: The New Good Housekeeping Cookbook 1986
Submitted By JOEY MILLS On 11-06-94

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