My beef jerky-sharon stevens

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

---Marinade--- 1/2 t Salt
1/2 c Soya sauce 4 ea To 5 dashes hot pepper
1/4 c Worchestershire sauce -sauce
1/2 c Water I used 'Cajun Sunshine'
1/4 c Brown sugar -pepper sauce
1/2 t Black pepper Water to cover
1/4 t Red pepper flakes

2-4 lbs lean beef (I used a steak I had in the freezer). While meat is
still partially frozen, slice in thin slices. Mix all ingredients of
marinade together and put in large stainless steel bowl. Add all the
sliced meat, and enough water to cover. Mix well. Let marinate
overnight. Drain and rinse meat off. Lay strips on dehydrator and
dry according to manufacturers directions.

Origin: Sharon Stevens Source: Sharon Stevens

Formatted for Compu-Chef v2.01 by Jess Poling

Calories per serving: Number of Servings: 1 Fat
grams per serving: Approx. Cook Time: Cholesterol per
serving: Marks:

Submitted By JESS POLING On 01-03-95

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