"our" cream cheese^

"Ideas for dinner - Discover how to cook this recipe free. Ideas for dinner to cook a healthy recipe. Delicious idea for dinner. Cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and free recipe!"
Recipe by: bjarn

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317 people have saved this recipe

Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 c Low or non fat cream cheese Cover and refrigerate
Use a plastic coffee -overnight.
-strainer (the type you The next morning, discard
-place in a drip coffee -whey in jar. The cream
-meaker) -cheese is in the strainer.
Or p Pla

Add various fruit juice Add no salt salsa before
-concentrates to the yogurt -straining, let stand a few
-before straining. Let -hours, then strain
Stand Overnigh

-----------------------PER TABLESPOON----------------------------

------------------------CALORIES: 9-----------------------------

------------------------PROTEIN: 1G-----------------------------

---------------------CARBOHYDRATES: 1G--------------------------

-------------------------FAT: TRACE------------------------------

------------------------SODIUM: 5MG-----------------------------

---------------------CHOLESTEROL: TRACE--------------------------
Cooking for Good Health by -Gloria Rose

--------------------ISBN: 0-89529-577-6-------------------------
Entered by Carolyn Shaw 3-95

Submitted By CAROLYN SHAW On 03-07-95

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