Palak paneer - indian recipe

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Recipe by: ezelmee

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

Spinach - 500 gms
Onions - 5 medium sized
Garlic - 2-3 flakes
Cooking oil - 6-7 tbsps
Cummin seeds - 1 tbsp
Paneer - 150-200 gms
Salt to taste
Garam Masala, Geera Powder, Chilli Powder

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1.Cook the spinach in water.
2.Drain the water and then make puree of the spinach leaves.
3.Cut 4 of the onions finely and saute them till transparent.
4.Grind the other onion and the garlic flakes to a fine paste.
5.Add this paste to the sauted onions. Also add the puree and the spice
powders. Add some water if necessary.
6.Let boil for a minute or two.
7.Cut the paneer to cubes of desired size (preferably not too small). Fry
this in oil till golden brown,
8.Add this paneer to the prepared palak.
9.Serve hot with rice or rotis.

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