Potato and porcini torte

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 oz Dried porcini mushrooms -thinly sliced, patted dry
1 c Hot water 2 tb Rosemary, chopped
2 lb Russet potatoes, peeled 4 tb Butter, melted

Place porcini in small bowl. Add hot water. Let stand until mushrooms
soften, about 30 minutes. Drain, reserving soaking liquid; coarsely

Preheat oven to 450F. Generously butter large ovenproof skillet.
Arrange 1/3 of potatoes in overlapping concentric circles in skillet.
Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with 1 tbs rosemary and half of
mushrooms. Drizzle with 2 tbs soaking liquid and 1 tbs butter. Repeat
layering, using half of remaining potatoes, all remaining rosemary
and mushrooms, 2 tbs soaking liquid and 1 tbs butter. Top with
remaining potatoes, placing in overlapping circles. Season with salt
and pepper. Drizzle with 2 tbs soaking liquid and 2 tbs butter. Place
skillet over medium heat just until liquid bubbles, about 2 minutes.

Cover skillet and transfer to oven. Bake 30 minutes. Uncover and bake
until potatoes are tender, about 45 minutes. Transfer to rack; let
stand 5 minutes.

Place platter upside down over skillet. Turn platter and skillet over,
inverting potato torte onto platter. Remove skillet. Rearrange
potatoes, if necessary.

Bon Apptit September 1995
Submitted By DIANE LAZARUS On 08-24-95

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