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Recipe by: ezella
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See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe
1 lb Medium prawns
1/2 ts Salt
1 Green pepper, cut in 1-inch
2 tb Salted black beans
1 Clove garlic, minced
2 tb Fresh ginger root, minced
1/4 c Chicken stock
1 ts Cornstarch
2 tb Oil
Preparation: Shell, devein and clean prawns. Blot dry. Cut along
back side, but don't cut through. Wash and rinse black beans 2 or 3
times. Combine with garlic and ginger and mash together until pasty.
Add stock and cornstarch. Set aside.
Cooking: Heat wok. Add 1 tablespoon oil and reheat. Stir fry green
pepper for 1 minute. Set aside. Add 2 tablespoon oil to wok and
heat. Stir fry prawns and salt until prawns turn pink. Add black bean
mixture and stir until thickened. Add green pepper, stir and serve.
Do-ahead notes: Do through preparation.
Yield: 4 servings
From "The Chinese Village Cookbook." A practical guide to Cantonese
country cooking. Rhoda Yee, Yerba Bueana Press, San Francisco. 1975.
Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; January 10 1992.
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