Prawns with crab sauce

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Recipe by: eyrun

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Stephen Ceideburg
1 1/2 c Crab meat
3/4 c Evaporated milk
3/4 c Margarine - melt and divide
1/4 c Flour
3 tb Heinz 57
1/4 c Green onion
2 lg Cloves garlic, minced
Salt and pepper to taste
3 tb Margarine
2 tb Flour
1 c Evaporated milk
1/2 c Cheddar cheese
1 tb Heinz 57
1/4 ts Salt
1/2 Cub crab meat

In a medium bowl combine stuffing ingredients - reserve 1/4 cup
margarine, refrigerate. Clean shrimp. Make a shallow cut lengthwise
down back of shrimp. Place shrimp in greased baking dish cut side up.
Place stuffing in each shrimp, brush shrimp with reserved margarine.
Bake at 350 12-20 minutes depending on size of shrimp.


Over medium heat, melt margarine, stir in flour. Slowly add milk,
stirring constantly until mix begins to thicken. Add cheese, 57 sauce
and salt. Stir until blended. Remove from heat. Add crab meat. Serve
crab sauce over shrimp.

Posted by Stephen Ceideburg

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