Premier white almond bark 

"A tasty white chocolate almond bark. Great for holiday entertaining! Original recipe yield: 1 - 8 inch square pan."
Recipe by: lotta

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

6 (2 ounce) bars NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Premier White Baking Chocolate, broken into pieces
1 tablespoon vegetable shortening
1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted
1/4 cup NESTLE® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

LINE an 8x8 inch baking pan with foil.
MICROWAVE baking bars and vegetable shortening in medium, microwave-safe bowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70 percent) power for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until smooth. Stir in almonds.
POUR into prepared pan. Refrigerate until firm.
PLACE morsels in heavy-duty plastic bag. Microwave on HIGH (100 percent) power for 30 seconds; knead until smooth. Microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals, kneading until smooth. Cut tiny corner from bag; drizzle over candy. Refrigerate until set. Remove foil; break into bite-size pieces.

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