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Recipe by: marie-anise

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

----------------------FROM LOIS FLACK---------------------------

----------------CYBEREALM BBS (315)786-1120---------------------
* * * * * Candied cherries
COOKIE (Ingredients) Tinted sugars
2 c Butter Frosting
2 c Sugar * * * * *
4 Egg yolks FROSTING (Ingredients)
1/2 ts Vanilla extract 1 c Confectioners' sugar sifted
1/2 ts Almond extract 1 tb Water
5 c Sifted flour 1/2 ts Almond extract /or Vanilla
Cookie press Food colorings


1. Cream butter, in a large mixing bowl, until it is soft. Gradually
add sugar, continuing to cream well after each addition, until
mixture is light and fluffy.

2. Add egg yolks, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Stir in vanilla, the stir in flour, a small amount at a time. Mix

3. Pack dough into metal cookie press and press dough out onto
ungreased cookie sheets. Decorate some with candied cherries and
colored sugars. Leave some to be frosted.

4. Bake at 400ø for approximate 10 minutes or until edges are golden.

5. Remove cookies from cookie sheet and cool on wire racks.

6. Frost undecorated cookies with frosting and decorate with colored
sugars. Frostings: (Make a small bowl in different colors: white, dark
pink, pale green.)

1. Blend sugar, water and almond extract / or vanilla in a small
bowl. Add a drop or more of coloring, to get desired color, and
blend. If frosting becomes too thin, add a bit more sugar, a pinch at
a time. If it becomes too thick, add a small drop of water, a little
at a time.

From the kitchen of Lois Flack

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