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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

12 md To 16 green tomatoes 1 1/2 c Brown sugar
3 md Sweet red peppers 2 tb Whole mixed pickling spice
3 md Green peppers 2 ea Sticks cinnamon
2 lg To 3 onions 1 tb Whole cloves
2 lb Cabbage 4 ea Whole allspice
1/3 c Salt 1/2 ts Ground ginger
3 1/2 c Vinegar 1/2 ts Ground nutmeg

The sweet and sour taste of this relish makes it a favorite for hot
dogs or company roasts. the recipe makes four 1 pint jars. You will
use the basic equipment along with a food grinder or food processor,
a large mixing bowl, a cheesecloth lined colander or sieve, and a
cheesecloth spice bag.

1. Stem tomatoes; stem and seed peppers. Peel and cut onions into
quarters. Cut cabbage into chunks.

2. Put all vegetables through coarse blade of food grinder or chop

3. In large mixing bowl, combine vegetables and salt. Set bowl aside
and let stand several hours or overnight.

4. Line a large sieve or colander with cheesecloth and pour in the
vegetables. Drain well, then lift edges of the cheesecloth and
squeeze to press out the liquid.

5. Organize ingredients, equipment, and work space.

6. Combine vinegar and sugar in large preserving kettle.

7. Tie whole spices in a cheesecloth bag and add to the kettle. Stir
in ground spices. Heat to boiling.

8. Add drained vegetables and heat to boiling. Reduce heat and simmer
about 30 minutes, or until vegetables begin to get juicy.

9. Remove the spice bag.

10. Ladle into hot jars to within 1/4 inch of tops. Run a slim, non
metal tool down along the insides of jars to release any air bubbles.
Add additional relish, if necessary, to within 1/4 inch of tops.

11. Wipe tops and threads of jars with a damp clean cloth.

12. Put on lids and screw bands as manufacturer directs.

13. Process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Follow basic
steps for boiling water bath canning, 10 through 18.

Source: Vegetable Gardening Encyclopedia Typos by Dorothy Flatman 1995
Submitted By DOROTHY FLATMAN On 10-10-95

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