Profrontation's chili con carne - mexican

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Recipe by: ocilia

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

3 lb Ground beef 1 cn Tomatoes, large
3 tb Bacon fat 3 x Bay leaves
3 x Onions, chopped 1 tb Oregano
4 x Garlic cloves, chopped 1 tb Red wine vinegar
4 tb Chili powder 1 1/2 tb Brown sugar
1 tb Cumin 1 pt Black olives
1 tb Flour 1 cn Kidney beans, large

In bacon fat, lightly brown onion and garlic. Remove. To the fat add
chili that has been mixed with 1T flour. Make sure that there is
enough fat or add more so that it mixes well. Stir until smooth. Add
meat, stir until all the chili mixture is absorbed. Brown. Stir in
tomatoes and cook gently for 20 mins. Add bay leaves, oregano,
vinegar, and brown sugar. Cook 20 mins, add kidney beans. Cook slowly
for 2 hrs then add olives. Source: Recipes 1st try: We cut ground
beef to 1 lb. Really rich and spicy. Leftovers the following day were
even better! 2nd try: We increased ground beef to 1 1/2 lbs, used 1
med can kidney beans, and increased tomatoes to 2 cans. This was

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