Progres with grand marnier

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

----------------------BISCUIT NOISETTE---------------------------
6 lg Egg whites 1 oz Flour
1 pn Salt 5 oz Hazelnuts, finely ground
1 oz Juice, lemon 5 oz Sugar
1 oz Sugar

4 oz Water 1 oz Grand Marnier
4 oz Sugar

1 pt Milk 10 oz Sugar
10 lg Egg yolks 26 oz Butter

-----------------------CREME NOISETTE----------------------------
1/4 x Buttercream (from above) 1 oz Almond paste
1 oz Hazelnut paste OR 1 ts Kirsch

1 pt Cream, heavy -- above)
4 ea Egg yolks 4 oz Chocolate, semi-sweet,
3/4 c Syrup (Grand Marnier from -- melted

----------------------CHOCOLATE CREAM---------------------------
3/4 x Buttercream (from above) 12 oz Chocolate, semi-sweet

Biscuit Noisette: =================
Put the egg whites into a blender with salt and lemon juice.
Add 1 ounce of sugar to the egg whites while blending.
In a separate bowl, blend the flour, 5 ounces of sugar and ground
hazelnuts. Add beaten egg whites to bowl with hazelnut/sugar mixture
and fold in with a spatula.
Butter the bottom of a baking sheet, cover with buttered
parchment paper. Pour biscuit dough on parchment and place in 475 F
over for 5 minutes, rotating pan often. When cooked, cool in the

Syrup: ======
In a small saucepan, bring the water and sugar to a boil. Take
off of the heat and cool in refrigerator. Add Grand Marnier to
cooled syrup and reserve. (Note: three-fourths of this syrup-Grand
Marnier mixture will be used in the mousse; the remainder will be
used to bunch the various layers of the Progres.)

Buttercream: ============
Heat the milk in a saucepan.
In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and the sugar. Add
heated milk to egg/sugar mixture and whisk after off heat.
Put the mixture back in the saucepan and whisk while heating,
until smooth and fairly thick. Remove from heat and strain back into
the bowl.
Cool in refrigerator.
When chilled, remove from refrigerator and place in a blender.
While blending on low speed, add butter a little at a time. Blend
until smooth, then return to refrigerate.

Creme Noisette: ===============
Put the hazelnut paste and Kirsch into a bowl and mix with a
spatula. Add 4 ounces of buttercream and blend well. Refrigerate for
5 minutes.

Mousse: =======
Whip the cream with a whisk. Add melted chocolate to whipped
cream and whisk until smooth.
In another bowl, over hot water, whisk egg yolks and syrup.
Fold egg syrup mixture into chocolate/cream mixture and mix with
a spatula.

Chocolate Cream: ================
Melt the chocolate, then cool. Add half of the chocolate to the
buttercream. Mix well, then add remainder of the chocolate (must be
done in steps or cream will break). Refrigerate.

Assembly: =========
Remove the biscuit from the refrigerator and cut it to the shape
of the mold. Put bottom biscuit into mold and brush with syrup.
Spread layer of creme noisette on top of syrup. Refrigerate for 2
Add a layer of mousse, then place top biscuit on mousse. Brush
with syrup again, then spread with a layer of chocolate cream.
Freeze for 5 - 30 minutes.
Pipe layer of chocolate cream on top. Unmold and serve on tray
with garnish of sugar and real flowers.

Source: Great Chefs of San Francisco, Avon Books, 1984
Chef: Roberto Gerometta, Chez Michel, San Francisco, CA

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