Pumpkin apple gingerbread

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1/4 c Flour, all-purpose 1/2 c Brown sugar, packed
1 T Baking powder 4 ea Eggs
2 1/2 t Ground ginger 16 cn Solid pack pumpkin
1/2 t Salt 1/2 c Molasses
1/2 t Baking soda 1 c Apple, peeled, cored and
1/2 t Pumpkin spice -shredded
1 c Butter, softened Powdered sugar
1 c Sugar Hard sauce (recipe follows)

In medium bowl combine flour, baking powder, ginger, baking soda,
salt and pumpkin pie spice. Cream butter, sugar and brown sugar in
large mixer bowl until light and fluffy. Add eggs, two at a time,
beating well after each addition. Add pumpkin, molasses and apple;
beat well. Add flour mixture; mix until well blended. Spoon batter
into well-greased and floured 12 cup bundt pan. Bake in preheated
350 oven for 1 hour or until wooden pick comes out clean. Cool on
wire rack for 15 minutes; remove from pan. Dust with powder sugar
before serving warm with Hard Sauce.

FOR HARD SAUCE: Beat 1 cup softened butter, 4 cups sifted powder
sugar and 2 tsp vanilla extract in small mixer bowl until smooth.

Calories per serving: Number of Servings: 12 Fat
grams per serving: Approx. Cook Time: Cholesterol per
serving: Marks:

Submitted By MARY SMITH On 12-03-94

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