Real boiled speckled trout

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Recipe by: sigurgeir

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

4 ea Speckled trout, cleaned
1 x Water, boiling
1 x Onion tops
1 x Thyme
1 x Bay leaf
10 ea Cloves
24 ea Allspice, mashed fine
1 ea Lemon peel, small piece
1 ea Red pepper pod

Clean and wash fish thoroughly, score with an "S" on back, wrap twine
around the body of the fish to secure it, but never tie in a cloth.
To the boiling water add onion tops, thyme, bay leaf, cloves,
allspice, lemon peel and red pepper. Let boil thoroughly for about 10
minutes, then slip fish in carefully so as to avoid breaking
(verbatim in old recipe). Let cook another 10 minutes and remove from
water. Drain, lay on a platter, sprinkle thickly with minced parsley
and serve with drawn butter sauce. Source: FISHES and FISHING IN
LOUISIANA p54 Recipe date: 11/30/87

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