Real chocolate malt cake from kaitlin young

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1/2 c Butter, softened 2 c Flour
1 1/3 c Sugar 3 ts Baking powder
1 c Instant malted milk powder 1/2 ts Salt
3/4 c Firmly packed unsweetened 1 3/4 c Half and half
-cocoa powder Chocolate Malted Frosting
4 Eggs (see below)

1. Preheat oven to 375F. In a large bowl, combine together butter and
sugar until light and fluffy; add malted milk powder and cocoa and
beat just until mixed. Add eggs, beating well.

2. Sift together dry ingredients, and add to chocolate mixture alter-
nately with half and half. Spread evenly in a well greased 9 x 13
pan, and bake 35-40 minutes or until done. Let cool in pan completely.


Chocolate Malted Frosting

1/2 c half and half 1/2 c instant malted milk
powder 1 stick (4 oz) butter, softened 1/2 c firmly packed
cocoa 2 1/2 c powdered

1. In a medium bowl, combine the half and half and malted milk
powder. Stir to combine, and let stand 15 minutes to dissolve the

2. In a medium bowl, beat together the butter and cocoa. Add malted
milk mixture and beat well. Add powdered sugar and beat on high.
Frost cake

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