Real garnishes for drinks

"Discover how to prepare this drink recipe. Drink recipe for free. Delicious drink recipe explained step by step. Easy and quick drink recipe for free!"
Recipe by: robbekin

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

-----------------FOR FRUIT AND MILK DRINKS----------------------
Mint leaves
Lemon or lime slices
Orange slices
Maraschino cherries; on
Whipped cream
Candy canes
Pineapple chunks; on
-toothpicks with cherries
Strawberries, fresh; on
Chocolate; shavings or curls
Coconut; shredded
-Ice cubes with frozen fruit
-inside or chunks of fruit
-dipped in lemon juice

--------------------FOR VEGETABLE DRINKS-------------------------
Celery; sticks
Carrot; sticks or curls
Lemon; or lime spirals
Chives; chopped
Pepper; freshly ground
Olives, black or green
-on toothpicks
Radish; spirals

------------------------FOR COFFEES-----------------------------
Cinnamon sticks
Whipped cream; topped with
-cinnamon or shaved

----------------FROSTING GLASSES (SEE BELOW---------------------

To frost glasses: Dip glasses into water, and while still dripping
wet, place them in the freezer of the refrigerator. Leave them at
least 2 or 3 hours.

Sugar Frosted Glasses: (for fruit drinks) Moisten top of glass and
rim area with a wedge of lemon, lime or orange. Just rub it along the
glass edge, then dip in superfine sugar place in freezer for a few
hours. Moistener could be grenadine syrup.

Salt Frosted Glasses: (for vegetable drinks) Use salt along the rim

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