Real korean skewered beef

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 lb Sirloin steak
1 Clove garlic, crushed
1/2 c Soy sauce
1/4 c Sesame or other oil
1/4 c Minced green onions
Toasted sesame seeds

Thinly slice steak into 1-inch wide strips. Dip strips into a
marinade made by combining garlic with rest of ingredients. Now dip
in crushed toasted sesame seeds to cover the meat completely, and
return to the marinade for an hour. Weave on bamboo sticks and broil
quickly, or, if you prefer, fry quickly in a little oil. (The sesame
seeds are toasted by cooking slowly in a heavy skillet, until brown.
They are then crushed in a mortar or heavy bowl, with salt. The
mixture should not be smooth.)

From "The Complete Book of Outdoor Cookery" by James A. Beard and
Helen Evans Brown.

Hayward Daily Review. 7/1/90

Posted by Stephen Ceideburg July 27 1990.

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