Rich fruit cake

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Preparation Time:
20 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

Stephen Ceideburg
750 g Sultanas
250 g Raisins
125 g Currants
125 g Grace cherries
125 g Mixed peel
100 g Finely chopped almond
1/2 c Of rum/brandy/whisky, mixed
250 g Butter
1 1/2 c Brown sugar, firmly packed
1 ts Each of grated lemon, orange
3 Dr to 4 dr almond essence
1 ts Vanilla essence
2 tb Marmalade
5 Eggs
2 1/2 c Of plain flour with pinch
1 ts Mixed spice
1/4 ts Cinnamon
1/4 ts Nutmeg
1/4 ts Ginger
1 pn Ground cloves

Set a slow oven.

Prepare the fruit by cutting into uniform size. For competi- tion
this is best done with scissors. Put all the fruit in a large glass
jar and then pour over the spirit mixture. Seal well and leave for
about a week.

Prepare a 21 cm (8 in) cake tin before you start.

Cream the butter and the brown sugar with the grated rind and the

Add the eggs one at a time beating well. Make sure the mixture does
not curdle, add a small amount of flour if it begins to do so.

Then put the fruit in a large. basin and sift half dry ingredients
(flour and spices) over the fruit.

Then gradually add the fruit mixture to the creamed butter mixture,
breaking up lumps of fruit as you go.]

Sift in remaining dry ingredients with this until it is all used.
Make sure it is well mixed, pour into the prepared tin and shake the
tin well to settle the mixture.

Then wet your hands, and pat the surface level with a wet hand to
help give a nice finish. Give the tin one or two hard taps to break
the air bubbles.

Get two pages of the Herald and fold three times to make a long
collar for the outside of the tin. Tie securely.

Put a piece of heavy cardboard in the oven and rest the cake tin on
it to stop the bottom burning.

Cook in a slow oven for approximately four hours.

Hal(way through put a sheet of brown paper over the top to stop it
getting too brown on top.

After four hours test to make sure it's cooked and then remove from
the oven and leave to cool in the tin, covered with a clean cloth.
Remove from tin, wrap greaseproof paper and foil and seal in an
airtight container.

Develops full flavour after a month.

From Shirley Lenton of Kiama. This recipe has won the Best Rich Fruit
Cake Section at the Royal Easter several time.

Posted by Stephen Ceidbeurg

From an article by John Stapleton in The Sydney Morning Herald,
4/6/93. Courtesy Mark Herron.

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