Sauce from dried porcini

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 oz Dried porcini 1 ts Sugar
2 tb Chopped onion(s) 1 tb Soy sauce
2 tb Butter 2 ts Arrowroot mixed in
1 ts Salt 1/3 c Cold water

Place the porcini and 3 cups of water in a medium saucepan and bring
to a boil over medium heat. Let simmer for 20 min.

Meanwhile, in a large skillet saute the onion in the butter until
translucent, about 2 min.

Add the porcini and their liquid, salt, sugar, and soy sauce. Reduce
to 2 cups. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve, then place in the
saucepan over medium heat. Add the arrowroot mixture and stir until
thickened. Return the mushrooms to the sauce and use immediately.

Note: This sauce goes best with veal or pasta.

A Cook's Book of Mushrooms
by Jack Czarnecki
ISBN 1-885183-07-0
pg 105
Submitted By DIANE LAZARUS On 11-19-95

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