Sauces to go with moroccan couscous

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Recipe by: kaarina

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

----------------SWEET ONION AND RAISIN SAUCE---------------------
2 Small, hot fresh peppers 2 ts Cinnamon
1/3 c Butter 1 ts Pepper
1 c Raisins 1 c Sugar or honey

Start this at least 1 hour before serving so that it can get a
mahogany color. Saute onions in butter, stirring frequently, until
they soften and turn golden. Add other ingredients and cook and stir,
letting mixture almost burn on the bottom a few times before stirring
it up. In this way it will be a lovely, dark brown. Hot Sauce: Remove
2 or 3 ladles of broth to small saucepan about 20 min. before serving
and simmer with whole hot peppers. I have not tried these receipes
but they do sound good. Later I will post some of my couscous
receipes. Also want to prepare and also post a receipe for beef
brochettes. Gary, if you are reading this I doubt if we could ever
duplicate the Moroccan cooking. The country and the atmosphere had a
lot to do with the flavor of the food. Hope you don't mind someone
else adding their 2 cents. My husband was stationed in Morocco from
1970-72. The Couscous postings brought back wonderful memories. In
fact, thanks to Gary's posting my husband and I bought a steamer.
Now, all I have to do is purchase some cheesecloth so the couscous
does not fall through the holes. I also dug out my old Morocccan
cookbook, COOKING IN MOROCCO by the American Women's Association of
Rabat. Lots of Coucous receipes, but none calling for harissa. Did
find 2 receipes for sauces to be served with couscous. Carolyn in

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