Sauerampfersuppe (sorrel soup)

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Recipe by: jennylee

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

1 bn Sorrel 1 Yolk
1 bn Fresh chervil 4 tb To 5 tb sour cream
50 g Butter (3 1/2 Tbsp) 1 1/2 l Meat broth or water (approx.
3 tb Flour -1 1/2 qts)

A recipe from grandmother's more thrifty times; rarely encountered

Melt the butter, and whisk in flour. Add meat broth or water. Add the
rinsed and chopped herbs, and briefly bring to a boil. Let soup cool
a bit, then thicken with egg yolk. Season with salt, pepper, and a
pinch of sugar. Stir in sour cream when serving.

In some Swabian kitchens, very finely chopped garlic gets scattered
on top of the soup.

Serves 4.

From: D'SCHWAEBISCH' KUCHE' by Aegidius Kolb and Leonhard Lidel,
Allgaeuer Zeitungsverlag, Kempten. 1976. (Translation/Conversion:
Karin Brewer) Posted by: Karin Brewer, Cooking Echo, 8/92

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