Sauerbraten (ian fowler)

"Discover how to cook this meat recipe. Recipe free. Delicious healthy recipe. Meat recipe, cooking tips and food recipe. Easy and quick meat recipe for free!"
Recipe by: terri

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

2 lb Brisket of beef
1/4 pt Pickling vinegar
-or vinegar+pickling spice
1/4 pt Proper beef stock
Crushed garlic
1 Chopped onion
2 Bayleaves
Brown sugar
Oil or rendered chicken
-fat (schmaltz).

If rolled, open out the beef. Place in a glass dish, and add
bayleaves, onion, garlic, salt, pepper a pinch of sugar and the
pickling mixture. Cover and put in the 'fridge for 3 days. Now and
then, turn the meat and pour the liquid back over.

Drain the meat and dry. Strain the liquid and make back to 1/4 pint.
Add the stock to this liquid. Seal the meat in hot oil or fat. Put
into a covered dish, add liquid.

Cook for about 4 hours in a low oven (Mk 3).

Remove the meat, slice and serve. Thicken the liquor and pour over.
Latkes are the best thing to go with this!

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