Sauerbraten mit ingwer kuchen sosse(saurebratengingersan

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Recipe by: eros-adonis

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Preparation Time:
10 Min
cost recipe

Main Ingredients:

See below ingredients and instructions of the recipe

Cooking Preparation of the Recipe:

4 lb Rump Roast; Beef, Boneless 2 ea Onions; Thinly Sliced
8 ea Peppercorns 4 ea Cloves; Whole
1 ea Bay Leaf 1 c White Vinegar; Mild
1 c Water 1/2 c Cider Vinegar
1/4 c Vegetable Oil 1/2 t Salt
2 c Water; boiling 10 ea Gingersnaps
1/2 c Sour Cream 1 T Unbleached Flour

Place the beef roast in a deep ceramic or glass bowl. Add onions,
peppercorns, cloves, and bay leaf. Pour white vinegar and cider
vinegar over the meat; chill, covered, for 4 days. Turn meat twice
each day. Remove the meat from the marinade, dry it well with paper
towels, and strain the marinade into a bowl. Reserve onions and 1
cup marinade. In a Dutch oven brown the meat on all sides in hot
vegetable oil. Sprinkle meat with salt. Pour boiling water around
the meat. sprinkle in crushed gingersnaps, and simmer covered for 1
1/2 hours. Turn often. Add 1 cup of reserved marinade and cook meat 2
hours or more, until tender. Remove the meat and keep it warm. Strain
the cooking juices into a large saucepan. In a small bowl mix sour
cream with flour. Stir it into the cooking juices and cook, stirring,
until sauce is thickened and smooth. Slice meat in 1/4 inch slices;
add to hot gravy. Arrange meat on a heated plater and pour extra
sauce over it.

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